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SARAH ALLERTON (d. by 1633)

Degory Priest was born about 1579. [MGV] He died on 11 January 1621 in Plymouth. [MGV] He married Sarah (Allerton) Vincent on 4 November 1611 in Leyden. [MGV] Sarah, the widow of John Vincent died in 1633—before 3 November—in Plymouth. [MGV]

Degory Priest came to Plymouth on the Mayflower. He died soon after his arrival. Degory's wife—Mr. Allerton's sister—and his children arrived after. [OPP, 447]

Iaac Allerton was born about 1586. [OPP, Ch. 18, fn. 1] He died in 1659. [OPP, Ch. 18, fn. 1] He married Elder Brewster's daughter Fear. [OPP, ch. 18, fn. 1]

Isaac was trained as a tailor in London. He joined the Leyden congregation when young. [OPP, ch. 18, fn. 1]

He came to New England on the Mayflower. He was Governor Bradford's first Assitant. [OPP, ch. 18, fn. 1]

Sarah Allerton arried second John Vincent. She married third Godbert Godbertson. She and her third husband died by 24 October 1633 when inventory was taken on their joint estate. [PCWD]

On 11 November 1633 Phineas Pratt was appointed to take into his possession all the goods and chattels of Godbert Gobertson and Sarah, his wife, and to safely preserve them according to an inventory presented on oath. [NBS1] On 25 November 1633 the court noted that Godbert and Sarah had died in debt and appointed William Bradford to administer their estates. On 22 December 1633 it was noted that most of their debt was due to Sarah's brother Isaac Allerton, and that Isaac had agreed to absorb his losses before anyone else. [NBS1]

Land was divided in Plymouth in 1623, with each household receiving an acre per member. Godbert Godbertson received six acres, apparently one for himself, one for Sarah, one for Sarah's deceased former husband Degory Priest, two for Sarah's daughters Mary and Sarah, and one for a child of Godbert by a previouos marriage. [DL21]

Sarah Allerlton, Godbert Godbertson, Mary and Sarah Priest were in the second lot of the division of cattle in 1627 in Plymouth. [DC27]

Children of Degory Priest and Sarah Allerton:

i. Mary Priest married Phineas Pratt.

Mr. Thomas Weston had been one of the leading London Adverturers who backed the Pilgrims' voyage. Disenchanted, he sold his shares and begain his own venture, sending out three ships to Wessagusset (now Weymouth). One ship, theSparrow< brought seven passangers en route to Weymouth to Plymouth, one of whom was Phineas Pratt, who later married, the daughter of Degory Priest. [PCHP]

ii. Sarah Priest married John Coombs.


MGV. George Ernest Bowman, "Mayflower Genealogies: I. Vital Statistics of Mayflower Passengers," Mayflower Descendant 2 (1900): 114–120.

BOPP. William Bradford, Of Plymouth Plantation, Charles Dean, editor (Boston: Little, Brown and Co., 1856), Appendix.

DC27. "Division of Cattle in 1627," Mayflower Descendant 1 (1899): 148–54.

PCWD. "Plymouth Colony Wills and Inventories," Mayflower Descendant 1 (1899): 154.

DL21. "Division of Land," Mayflower Descendant 1 (1899): 227–30.

NBS1. Nathaniel B. Shurtleff, Records of the Colony of New Plymouth, vol. 1, Court Orders, 1633–1640 (Boston: William White, 1855).

PCHP. Eugene Aubrey Stratton, Plymouth Colony: Its History & People (Salt Lake City: Ancestry, 1986), 24 (arrival of Phineas).

Last revised: 11-Nov-2022